civic involvement


Greenville is our home town. Phil Hughes’s passion for its improvement extends to his commitment to the community. Among his various civic projects, Phil led the expansion of Heritage Green, which includes the land for the Upcountry History Museum, the land and building for Bob Jones University Museum & Gallery, the land and lead gift for Hughes Library and the donation of the land and building for the Upstate Children's Museum, as well as the land and construction of the shared parking garage for Heritage Green. He has also been recognized for his leadership role in converting McAlister Square Mall into University Center, as well as for helping revitalize Downtown by developing several projects while promoting innovative architecture and Smart Growth principles. Phil also founded the Ten at the Top Elevate Upstate Grants to identify and provide initial funding support for community-based programs that promote community and economic vibrancy in local areas across the Upstate.

From revitalizing Heritage Green, to serving as Trustee, Life Governor and SC Chairman of the Urban Land Institute, to introducing new public art in downtown Greenville, Phil is committed to serving his community, and to promoting smart, quality growth in our home town.